Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do we stay or go?

Should or shouldn’t we stay in Iraq? After the election in Iraq in January, 2005, many people would say that we need to get out of there. Many people think that we should have withdrawn the troops after we captured Saddam Hussein. I am not sure when we should have, but I think that we definitely should have withdrawn the troops way before now.
I have personally had someone close to me die over there fighting and I know several others that have been there or are there now. The last soldiers I talked to about it said that they knew what they were fighting for originally, but now that they have captured Saddam Hussein and he is out of the picture, soldiers are just getting killed by roadside bombs while trying to deliver food to other camps or while on small similar trips.
We are essentially paying for our family members, who are over there fighting, to get killed. Soldiers I have talked to have told me that the Iraqis don’t even want them there anymore. Soldiers also have to stay longer with extended contracts, basically against their will because they don’t have the draft in order and enough people are not signing themselves up.
Why do we need to get Iraq’s security forces up and running? We made our country on our own; other countries can stand up for themselves and do the same thing. It is not easy running a country, as anyone could guess, but someone needs to do it. It is not our job to go into other countries, thinking we are bettering them, and try to change them to be like the United States.
The exit strategy of wearing them down and then building them back up that they had originally was not a good idea and didn’t work. What they ultimately need to do is pull the troops out. Men and women in our armed forces need to rest and see their families. They deserve to have a break.

1 comment:

Adalyn's mommy said...

One of my classmates wrote a blog addressing the issue of retreating from Iraq called Do we Stay or Go?

In her blog she states some issues that I agree with but some that I don't agree with.

The topic that I agree with her on is the fact that U. S. Troops need to be withdrawn from Iraq. I believe that we have done what we went there to do. We restablished their government, elected a new leader, and caught Saddam Hussein.
Our troops aren't even dying in battle anymore. When the news says that more U.S. Troops got killed in Iraq you don't hear about them getting shot at or bombed in the middle of battle, you hear that they got killed changing a tire on the side of the road or taking food to other camps. The troops have done their job, now the government needs to do its job and get them out before more die for no reason.

The topic that I see differently than my classmate is the one about our troops going to Iraq to make their country like ours. We aren't trying to make their country like the United States, we are simply stopping a blood thirsty dictator and his people from killing innocent citizens. Now, yes I do agree that the Iraqis don't want us over there but they never did. They just want us to leave them alone, because they thought we would just make things worse. But what would you say if someone wanted to come into your house and change the way things have always been run? No one likes change even if it is to better them. Just remember we didn't just go over there to capture Saddam Hussein, we went over there to save innocent people from getting mutilated by an evil person that is willing to do anything for more power.