Thursday, February 7, 2008

All Eyes on FEMA in Tornado's Aftermath

So everyone's heard about the tornadoes that have occurred recently in the southeast, right? Now everyone is turning to FEMA for help. Can they help? This question arises among many citizens in the states that have been affected and even states outside of them. Many think that FEMA did not help during hurricane Katrina and they won’t do much to help now to fix the damage done by the tornadoes. The question of how effective FEMA really is is starting to turn into a political issue and a blaming game. Who is really to blame for these catastrophes and their cleanings? Mother Nature? President Bush? Or is it the local and state legislature? Can we forget about blaming everyone else and just clean up the mess?! Read this article and make sure you leave a little comment/message, on the bottom with the others, to get your opinion out!

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